Click To Submit a Repair Request
We will get back to you with more information when we receive your request

FTH Repair Charges:
Evaluation & Analysis fee $45 + S&H
Labor Rates (Standard Barreies)
0-480 Watts Batteries $100 + Parts + S&H
481-560 Watts Batteries $120 + Parts + S&H
561-900 Watts Batteries $140 + Parts + S&H
901-1000 Watts Batteries $160+ Parts + S&H
1000 Watts & above $170 + Parts + S&H
With the $45 evaluation fee we will provide you with a detailed analysis of your battery. This $45 will be credited towards the final repair cost if you approve the repair estimate.
Battery Shipping Form Click
We use Panasonic, LG & Samsung Lithium Batteries ONLY to Rebuild defective cells
Purchase a Pre-Paid HAZMAT Shipping Container

With our Battery Shipping Kit you will have all the necessary items in order to ship your battery to us via FedEx HAZMAT shipping. All you have to do is to pack the battery with provided bubble wrap, Complete our Repair Description Form and insert it with the battery, Seal the box with the provided Tape and call Fed Ex office to schedule a pick up .
Unfortunately we are not able to repair batteries with proprietary data system such as Bosch, BionX, Shimano, Yamaha and other similar system. These systems have a data line between the batteries and the bike controller systems. The information on these data lines are not available from the manufacturer. If we were to replace the cells on these batteries, we will have to adjust and re-write the firmware in the BMS (Battery management system) however that information is not available from the original manufacturer.
Please do not send these types of batteries to us for repair as it will be returned to you un_Repaired.